Description In this final, fascinating year of high-school Business Studies, you’ll cover many learning areas that are essential to your success in the future. You’ll get to see the impact of legislation on business. You’ll discover more about investments, recruitment and team performance. You’ll investigate green business.
Business Studies - wced school za. 28 BUSINESS STUDIES Dear Grade 12 Business Studies learner Grade 12 Business Studies is the culmination of three years of study.
You’ll also spend time on creative thinking, which will improve your ability to solve complex problems, as well as entrepreneurship, which will prove invaluable if you decide to launch your own venture in the years to come. It’s one thing to have a dream, but knowing how to achieve it is just as important. This course will help you do just that. Related products • • • •.
The Grade 12 Studying Business textbook maintains the following advantages: • Covering all topics, and all sections of the SAG. • Upgraded Exercises in a variety of formats and using different approaches. Longer exercises have been moved to the Exercise Book.
• Updated research and current examples which are appropriate to the real business world (e.g. New Companies Act).